First Time Home Buyers Guide

We Help First Time Homebuyers Move Smoothly Through The Process

Get Pre-Approved for a Home Loan

Pre-approval is the process of having a lender look at your financial background and determine how much home you can afford. Getting pre-approved can also save you valuable time by identifying how much you can afford, so you can target your home search to your price range.

Connect with One of Our Licensed Professionals

Investler Realty Agents have a wide range of skills and specialties to help you find exactly the type of Property that best suits your needs. Sitting down with one of our professionals is a great way to set your goals and make clear what exactly you are looking for in a new home.

The Search Begins

Your Investler Realty Agent will then give you a comprehensive look at the market, according to the needs you laid out in the initial consultation. Set up listing alerts, and get automatic emails whenever new listings become available to view.

Make an Offer

Putting an offer on a home can be a very stressful part of the process. Know that your Investler Realty Agent will not only communicate on your behalf confidently, but will lead you through all of the paperwork in a way that will leave you educated and confident in your offer.

Navigate The Option Period

Once an offer is accepted, the next phase of the process would be to have licenesed contracting professionals come in and assess the property according to their specialized trade. We help you schedule Home Inspectors, Plumbers, Foundation Experts, and any other relevant parties to make sure no stone is left unturned during this period.

Appraisal Period

Once you are comfortable moving forward in purchasing the home after inspections are complete, a licensed appraiser will visit the property on behalf of the bank, to determine its value based on comparable homes that have recently sold in the area. This gives you an idea of what the agreed upon purchase price is vs the appraised value.

Close On Your New Home!

Once all of the previous steps have been completed, a close date will be set. Congratulations! This is the day you get your keys and can enjoy your new investment!

Schedule A Consultation

Let Us Help You Into Your Next Home